Saturday, February 13, 2010

My first lo hei of the year

This is going to be the first of many yushengs I will be having this Chinese New Year.

Yu Sheng or Yee Sang means raw fish in Chinese so it's basically a raw fish salad. Contrary to what you may think, it's not a Chinese dish per se. It's recognised & eaten only in Singapore & Malaysia.

It's a salad of raw fish (generally fresh salmon), shredded carrots, turnips, ginger topped with peanuts, crackers, sesame seeds & a whole bunch of other ingredients with a plum sauce dressing.

I'm not crazy about the salad but I love the whole process of Lo Hei. If you're eating this in a restaurant, the server will recite auspicious wishes as he/she pours & sprinkle ingredients over the salad. Then when it's ready, everyone stands up & gets ready to Lo Hei - tossing the salad as high as possible - wishing one another plenty of good fortune !

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