Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Walks

When the Girl was a baby, I used to take her out for walks every day even during winter. Being out the house, getting some fresh air & a brisk walk always works wonders for me. Now that she has started pre-school, we don't do them as often. But when the weather's nice, she will come up to me to say "It's a nice day, let's go for a walk". I guess she misses them too.

Today, the sun was out & since she didn't want to take her afternoon nap, I decided to go for a walk. There is a trail behind the house that leads into the woods. It is very scenic & it's our favorite. I brought my camera with me cos I wanted to post the pictures on the blog. Surprisingly the Girl saw this as an opportunity for an outdoor photo shoot - I never had a more willing subject.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mei

your photography skilss getting better!


Anonymous said...

but my spelling sucks haha...

petite fleur said...

Thank you but it's really nothing. I'm just playing around with my new DSLR.

LittleHands said...

Hi, yr daughter is very pretty and adorable! :-)


Anonymous said...

another new toy eh?