Sunday, November 30, 2008

The circus was in town

Last week the Zavatta circus was in town. I don't keep track but I guess we have about 2-3 travelling circuses come by throughout the year. Now that our children are bigger & can probably appreciate the show, Gaby & I thought it would be a good idea to bring them to one.

I had no idea how much tickets would cost but I thought prices were a little steep - 20 euros for a child considering this was certainly no Cirque du Soleil (which I know cost much more) nor Ringling Brothers. Ah well since we won't be doing this very often.

We had gotten there a little earlier just to walk around to see the animals. Photos were forbidden as is during the performance which is why you only see 2 miserly pictures that I took inside the big tent just before the show started.

The show wasn't too bad although there were many occasions they had to repeat their performances cos they dropped the batons or missed a jump or lost balance (perhaps that's why the show ended up to be 2 hours instead of the stated 1 hour 45 mins). The children were thrilled to see the animals - tigers, camels, zebras (which I thought was rather odd), horses, elephant. Joshua wanted to see more of the tigers & The Girl wanted to see more of the clown (one & only & even then I didn't think he was very funny).

All in all, it was a fun night out but I doubt we would be going again to the circus anytime soon.

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