These just came in the mail. Don't you just love receiving packages in the mail ? I do, very much. I had ordered some stuff on the internet for the Girl - baby Havaianas slippers & some more summer clothes from VertBaudet & they all arrived at once. But I was most excited to receive the package from Bangkok - thank you Eunice !! My dear friend sent me Thai food pastes which I'm dying to try. She made me promise to post the pictures on my blog which I will most certainly do.
And then this morning when I'd sent the Girl to school, I got this from her teacher. Apparently she had made this in class the previous week & since we were away last week, she didn't have a chance to give it to me. Une petite fleur. I've already hung this up in the kitchen.

Update : I received yet another package, this time round from Singapore with Prima Taste pre mixes. Thank you Barbs. Even tho I've seen these packets before in Singapore, funnily enough I've never thought to buy them & therefore have not tried cooking with them. My overseas friends all seem to love it so Barbs offered to send me the one for Mee Rebus & Laksa. I'm going to try this out & if all goes well, guess what I'm asking my mum to send over next.
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