X's mother subscribes to this weekly French women's magazine called Femme Actuelle. Whenever I'm over at her place, I'll always grab the latest copy & browse to see if any recipe catches my eye. This was one of those.
Souffles always seem very intimidating. But now that I've done it, it really isn't so. In fact it turned out to be rather simple to make so much so I think I might do this when we next entertain friends. But it is a little plain as you will see from the recipe so I would probably add some herbs like dill or parsley into the mix.
Souffles always seem very intimidating. But now that I've done it, it really isn't so. In fact it turned out to be rather simple to make so much so I think I might do this when we next entertain friends. But it is a little plain as you will see from the recipe so I would probably add some herbs like dill or parsley into the mix.

Smoked Salmon Souffle
serves 4 but I think you can do it for up to 6
extracted from Femme Actuelle
160g smoked salmon
4 eggs
40g butter
40g flour
25cl milk
salt & pepper
1. Set aside a 4 slivers of smoked salmon for garnishing. Then diced the rest. Butter & flour the ramequins. Preheat the oven at 210C
2. Melt the butter in a pot. Add the flour & stirring to mix well. Remove pot from stove, add the milk & mix thoroughly. Put it back over the stove till it just reaches boiling point, over medium heat, stirring constantly
3. Separate the egg whites & yolks. Add the egg yolks into the mixture. Mix well. Then add the diced salmon. Salt & pepper
4. Whip the egg whites till stiff. Add about 1/4 of the egg whites into the mixture. Stir vigorously till it well incorporated. Then gently add the rest of the egg whites & slowly mix with a spatula.
5. Divide into the ramequins. Put in the oven for 15 mins.
6. Serve ramequins garnished with the slivers of smoked salmon on top.
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