I mentioned before how we like our walks. Here in the countryside, it's not uncommon to see whole families out for a walk after lunch - to get some fresh air, work off the food, admire the scenery & to gossip about the neighbours.

There is an abundance of places to go for walks. My neighbour Laurence, who is also my regular walking buddy knows all the best places to go. Thankfully I have her to show me around (& she's not even from around here) cos X is just not a good source for this type of information.
2 weeks ago, we took a 2.5 hour walk on a trail that I've never been before but what an interesting one - views of the famed ardeche gorges, walking on limestone paths (not advisable with a stroller, I ended up hand carrying the stroller half the time), past waterfalls, a village & a dolmen (which unfortunately we didn't go cos The Girl was asleep in the stroller).
So I bring you some images which will give you a good idea of the kind of landscape that is typical of Ardeche.

So I bring you some images which will give you a good idea of the kind of landscape that is typical of Ardeche.

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