Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fete de l'ecole aka School Concert

Before I start with the Cannes Chronicles, I need to tell you about the one big event for The Girl. This happened the afternoon we left for Cannes. Typically the school concert for the kids are held at the end of the school term just before summer vacation start.

In France, ecole maternelle is nursery school or pre school for children between the ages of 3-5. If they are already toilet trained, they may even enter at 2. They are then divided into PS (la petite), MS (la moyenne) and GS (la grande section) depending on their age. The little ones that enter at 2 are called TPS or tres petite section. Nursery school is available for everyone & school is not compulsory until one reaches 6. We just had to register at the mairie (mayor's office) & she gets to go to school free. I'm not sure if it's just as easy in the cities in France but I know for a fact that in Singapore, the parents go through a lot more trying to register their children in schools of their choice.

In The Girl's school, the class is rather large - the last count there were 28 divided into PS1 (the little ones less than 3), PS2 & MS. She entered at PS2 & when school reopens in September, she'll be in MS. If the acronyms are not already confusing enough, the older kids are in 2 other classes of CP/CE1 and CE2/CM1/CM2. Don't worry even I haven't figured them all out yet. So basically the children in The Girls school range in ages from 2-11 are divided into 3 classes.

That's 101 of the French school system, what I wanted to post was her school concert. OK bear in mind, this is a village school so everything is very basic & self sufficient.

That's the backdrop & the stage in the courtyard of the school.
Note : I think next year they will not be holding this in the courtyard under the blazing hot sun. The children had to put on socks cos the mats got heated up really quickly

The little ones of the nursery section waiting to perform.
Can you spot The Girl ?

The proud parents with their cameras & video cameras

The Girl in her routine as a little bird
(see their socks)

The older ones doing a gymnastics routine

A final sing along session

There were games, activities & refreshments after the concert.
We didn't stay cos we had to leave for Cannes

So that marked the end of The Girls' school term. She seem to enjoy school & her spoken French improved by leaps & bounds since she started school last year. She's also more sociable than before. I'm glad she has a chance to interact with other kids her age & get out of my hair a little bit. But what am I going to do with her during the 2 months vacation ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm..brush up her English and Mandarin? :) I need your advices on potty training tho. My girl refuses it!